Participatory co-design solutions co-workshops ("co-workshops") for Lemesos Municipality staff


Co-creation solutions for the Lemesos Municipality

Process for Identifying Problems, Needs, and Challenges to Find Solutions for the Services and Employees of the Lemesos Municipality.


Participation of 100 employees

Divided into five teams, 100 employees of the Lemesos Municipality participated in three three-hour meetings where they focused on examining solutions primarily concentrating on personal responsibility and proposing improvements for the administration of the Municipality.


Climate City Contract Implementation Team

Through the LC3 co-design workshops, participants acquired new skills to support, in their respective roles, the implementation of Lemesos's ambitious Climate Contract while also having the opportunity to intervene in the actions to be implemented by participating in the "Lemesos Commons" team.

The implementation of the Climate Contract, aimed at achieving zero greenhouse gas emissions for the Municipality of Lemesos by 2030, involves the execution of extensive projects as well as awareness and training activities for all stakeholders and citizens. Familiarizing municipal employees with these issues is essential. The goal of the co-design workshops with the employees of the Lemesos Municipality is to co-design actions, in the philosophy of the Climate Contract, for the Municipality as an organization with the aim of improving its environmental performance, directly involving the employees in their implementation.