Interaction of LC3 project

The Vision for a Climate-Neutral Lemesos Initiated by the LC3 Project

Our vision is not just for a clean, healthy city, with lots of green and quiet city, where we can walk or cycle to all our activities and entertainment in less than twenty minutes (the 20-minute city). It is a city where children can safely walk or scooter to school, where the little energy needed for optimal temperature is generated solar, and where private cars are rare. Our vision also encompasses achieving this transformation through an entirely different process: by discussing together, and co-designing suitable solutions for our needs. In the zero-emissions

In the zero-emissions Lemesos, there are no citizens who hope and wish for climate neutrality, expect it from the Municipality, the Government, ETEK, TEPAK, the EU, the UN, or the Church - in other words, from someone else without their involvement. I In this endeavour, no one says, "this is not my job."

The zero-emissions Lemesos has citizens who are actively involved, each contributing a small part to this immense project, while also actively enjoying the entirety of a clean, open, healthy, progressive, green city. No one "builds windows without enjoying the view."

This is our vision for Lemesos.

A beautiful, collective journey towards a regenerative goal, with the active participation of all residents at all stages.


LC3 consortium

LC3 project is part of NetZeroCities Pilot Cities coordinated by Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities -EU Cities Mission. Funded by Horizon Europe (2023 - 2026).

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You can join:
  • - as a facilitator or expert of a group focusing on problems/solutions concerning urban warming reduction.
  • - to set up a co-workshop for an issue that you want to solve, and we can help you run a co-design workshop.
  • to participate in a co-workshop
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Krystallia for LC3 project