
LC3 co-creating workshop for the civil society

LC3 project “Cooling Limassol—LC3” plans a co-workshop for civil society, which focuses on reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Limassol. The involvement of active members of civil society is crucial to shaping a sustainable and resilient future for the city.

Workshop Details

The workshop is experiential and includes two parts, lasting 3 hours each, where the current actions of the participants will be discussed, the challenges they face and solutions that we can propose for the improvement of public spaces of our city will be co-designed. The solutions that will be co-designed will be included in a proposal to the Limassol Municipality and will be part of a larger plan to reduce emissions with interventions in public space, buildings, roofs, parking spaces and green spaces under the city’s Click Contract.

The workshop will be held in Greek, while another one will be scheduled in English if there is interest in participating.

Participation form

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